An Introduction To Politics

An Introduction To Politics

Politics is the group of political activities which are concerned with making choices in groups or political institutions, including the distribution of power or status to different people, or the use of force to maintain some interests or others. The major branch of social sciences that studies politics and political government is known as political science. This is also related to other fields such as anthropology, sociology, and psychology. One prominent aspect of politics is deliberative politics. In this system, politicians try to gain support by means of persuasive arguments rather than violence.

The history of politics is quite lengthy, dating back as far as ancient Greece. The word “Politics” was not in existence during those times; it came into being during the fourth century B.C. With the rise of Athens as a major political state in the classical period, politics became a major feature of life. Plato, one of the most famous philosophers in the history of classical Greece, recognized the necessity of political thought and showed how politics affected the lives of all individuals. He taught that, without political organization, people would have no way of determining right and wrong and would not be able to draw the boundaries of right and wrong, as they would be surrounded by anarchy.

Aristotle in the eleventh century B.C. described three different kinds of politics: polity (faction), aristocracies, and demarchy. In his view, politics was a form of art. Plato argued that all political systems are contrived by means of deception, trickery, and force, and therefore democracy is worse than tyranny. Aristotle responded that in any polity, there is room for two kinds of rule: an aristocracy of persons ruling over a majority of people, and a democracy, in which the people decide for themselves through election.

Later philosophers like Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Pliny the Younger criticized Aristotle’s view. They argued that true politics was selfless and never involve loyalty to any politician or nation. They also argued that it was necessary for leaders to consult with their citizens before taking action, a form of indirect democracy. However, during the medieval era, politics became associated more with divine ideals, and it began to be seen as a pursuit by religious leaders. The medieval era also witnessed the rise of the term “cosmopolitan” to describe those who lived in a modern society that blended various types of culture and religion.

Early Modernists defended the institution of politics as a means of establishing an ordered society. Karl von Clausewitz and Henry Ford both supported the idea of capitalism by claiming that freedom and abundance are inherently linked. For them, politics served as a way of promoting the freedom and prosperity of the common man. During the First World War, many liberal thinkers supported the fight against Nazism, viewing the war as a struggle between freedom and fear. During the Second World War, the United States entered into a fierce battle with Germany over the control of the trade routes of the globe.

During the twenty-first century, the study of politics has undergone many changes. Today, politics is considered a subject that is left to professionals. Still, many people consider politics to be a vital part of the culture. A small number of Americans are known to have become deeply interested in politics, and they use this interest to influence other people. In countries with universal suffrage, or universal franchise, politics almost always plays a major role in determining the political conditions of that country.