An Overview of Politics in the Humanities

An Overview of Politics in the Humanities

The word politics is derived from the Greek word polis which means state. It is the study of politics, where politics is applied in the political world. In modern terms, politics has grown into a term that involves a complex set of activities that are directed towards societal goals. Politics has four components; societal goals, individual goals, institutions and individuals. These four goals vary from socioeconomic equality, freedom, justice and freedom.

The definition of politic also refers to the following; the state being ruled by a political system that is recognized by public consent, the body Politic is organized and governed by a constitution that guarantees freedom, public service and protection of rights, and the political system has established laws and institutions that are generally recognized as legal and social norms. A clear example of politically recognized body is the State of California which is ruled by a constitutional amendment process, and is overseen by the Supreme Court. An example of a institution is the European Union or EU, which is recognized as a political entity, though it is not a legally recognized government.

Politics became an important force in twentieth century that contributed to the direction of world economy. The industrial revolution in England gave rise to small scale industries that were typified by factory employment and led to the growth of national identity. The socialists of Germany under Clausewitz and the Socialists of France under Babeuf joined together to form the First International in solidarity with Russia against the backdrop of World War I. The First International later evolved into what is known today as the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Politics has evolved into a field of significant political interest. Examples include: freedom, justice and equality. A fundamental part of politics is defined by freedom, as it entails the liberty of individuals to determine the nature of their political community. Justice is the quality of being just or right, and is an important part of the community, the polity. Equality refers to the equal distribution of societal goods and services among citizens, as reflected in equality of wealth, opportunities, and positions.

We can see the major contribution of politics to the study of humanities by noting that the study of politics was one of the major developments of the last two centuries. In addition to the above, politics has become the core concern of most academic authors. As a result, the present article attempts to give an overview of the political system and discuss the ways in which politics influences the humanities. In addition to this, the main article discusses some of the key areas of debate in political science, history of politics and society and political theory. The aim is to provide an insight into the workings of the political system and suggest how politics may be studied through the humanities.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, many social scientists turned to politics as a source for understanding cultural practices and institutions. For instance, scholars such as Edward Said noted that there is an element of culture in political life, and public policy can be understood as having to do with the prevailing cultural values in a country or region. In the same way, politics also had a strong influence on the formation of modern scholarship, as late as the 1970s, when major journals of research in the disciplines such as history, politics, anthropology and sociology sought to integrate politics with these other areas of research. In recent years, scholars have turned more to politics as a key area of study. The main article provides an insight into the politics of various societies, as well as the ways in which politics is reflected in various cultures and public policies.