The Gilgamesh of the Bible

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In 1776 Thomas Jefferson and other signatories to the Declaration of Independence put together a document known as The U.S. Constitution. Among the many important sections included in this document were the Bill of Rights, which guarantees “the right to trial by jury”, “the right to be sued by citizens in a court of law”, “the right to be secure in their papers of debt”, “the right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures” and “the right to trial by jury”. This information came from James Madison, among others, which were put into the form of a pamphlet called The Federalist Papers. Jefferson and other signatories made this pamphlet a model for the United States Bill of Rights.

Today, the meaning of this Bill of Rights has changed. The United States Supreme Court has interpreted these rights differently. They now hold that the use of gender in these clauses is necessary because “men are more susceptible to sex-based stereotyping than women”, therefore it would be “unpreparable” to include the word “man” in relation to these particular rights. On the other hand, the Court has not ruled on the word “woman” in relation to these rights.

When reading The Federalist Papers, there is a reference to the Framers having an “undisclosed opinion” on the definition of “man”. Jefferson and other signatories argue that all men are created equal, therefore all should have the same rights. This, they say, renders the framers’ argument irrelevant. This is a common view held by modern commentators on the topic. They point out that those who favor equal rights for all have used “man” as a word to describe individuals that have committed crimes against all. Thus, to use “man” to describe men who have committed crime against all women simply presupposes that all men are inherently violent.

The meaning of “man” in the Constitution of the United States of America is “a person born of one of the original twelve states”. The “12 States” refer to the states, which originally created the United States. The meaning of “one” and “the” in “man” and “state” are not the same. “One” signifies a legal status while “the” signifies conditionally. For example, “all persons born of the United States” is interpreted by most lexicographers to mean all US citizens.

The words “man” and “state” are used in contexts that require information to be understood by the listeners or readers. In the case of the United States, one cannot assume that “man” and “state” mean “people”. For example, the present tense is “they were born in the united states”. To be grammatically correct, “they were born in the united states” should be written as “they were born in the united states and in that case” or “they were born in the state of Connecticut”. A simple test is to read aloud the definitions of “man”, “state” and “statehood” in the dictionary. Then compare these definitions with the sample paragraphs given at the beginning of this article.