Why Is It That Current Events Are So Valuable to Human Activity?

Why Is It That Current Events Are So Valuable to Human Activity?

News is a written account of human activity, which aims to inform, interest, or entertain the reader. The first requirement of news, therefore, is that such a writing should never have already been published elsewhere before. It must come straight to the public’s attention for the first time, in this case, on the internet.

This requirement of first-time publishers also raises a second point. That is, news, like other literary works, has a tradition of staying as little known as possible, unless it is a widely advertised event, such as the New York Herald-News or the Illustrated New Yorker. The tradition of staying newsworthy, therefore, implies a certain degree of subjective newsworthiness, which goes beyond the traditional and common practice of reporting the news as it happens. It also goes beyond newsworthy subject matter.

Subject matter is of particular importance for a profession like journalism, inasmuch as the nature of the profession itself requires the writer to take up issues of local interest. For example, the nature of a cityscape, a city’s character, and even its most minute political concerns are matters of great interest to local readers, and the extent to which they are understood by readers will make a difference to the personal impact of any piece. Local interest makes news different from news which is of national or global interest. It makes news unique and therefore more meaningful for readers. When readers find themselves interested in a local story, they tend to remember it, and they tend to be more inclined to pass it along, increasing the likelihood of it being published.

Readers are especially receptive to stories of real human interest. This is because journalists are often the first people that their readers see and know, so it becomes important to them to give them the kind of personal information that will help them decide how to act or react. When a journalist can do this effectively, the effect is that of a great contribution to human activity and the news should therefore be judged by this standard.

The kind of information given out by the media is also affected by three other factors. One is that of balance: if a piece tends to give more detail than less serious news items, it becomes newsworthy. Another factor is that of importance: it becomes news when a current event makes an appearance and is thus reported. And lastly, it becomes news when a human interest issue is raised, and the interest is significant enough to warrant further reporting or comment.

All three of these things can combine to shape the general nature of any news story. Readers will generally appreciate detailed reporting and will be impressed by any effort to report on current events as they happen rather than simply to chronicle the happenings of the day. At the same time, readers may be reluctant to read too much in detail about a single event-they want veracity and accuracy, not sloppiness. This is why it is always wise to be upfront about the nature of your intentions with any news item-don’t hide anything, if you can help it. That way, you can avoid the perception that you are trying to deceive readers or give them false information.